·  TEL. 93 453 10 80 · EMAIL info@escolamarededeudelroser.com



Personalized visits and Open Day

Vols conèixer la nostra escola i el nostre projecte educatiu?

T'oferim visites individualitzades i una jornada de portes obertes. INSCRIU-TE  FENT CLIC AQUÍ o bé al telèfon 93 453 10 80 / 690 959 561 i Whatsapp 690 959 561.  

T'acompanyarem i t'ajudarem en tot allò que necessitis per a la tria d'escola del teu fill/a.


Do you want to know about our school and educational program? 

We offer personalized visits and Open Day events where you can get to know our school, our methodology, and address all your questions.

We assist and accompany you throughout the school selection and pre-registration process!

Register by clicking on this link or by calling the phone 93 453 10 80 / 690 959 561 and Whatsapp 690 959 561.  

We look forward to welcoming you!



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