Hello everyone!
We had so much fun in the Summer Camp 2016! The themed area for this year was ‘The Pirate Adventure’, we did many funny activities and learned so much English! These were all the workshops:
- Music Art Club: we created instruments like a xylophone or maracas – and we danced like true pirates!
- Let’s Get Fit: we practiced lots of sports like football, basketball, tennis… We also made four teams – Water, Wind, Earth and Fire – and participated in a gymkhana. We won many points for each house, although Water turned out to be the winner!!
- Theater: we learned mime and worked on emotions through games. We also made masks and put make-up on!
- Fun Recipes: we cooked fun pirate recipes and we tasted them all! Fruit, bread, cookies, chocolate… We became chefs and ate it all!
- Scientists: we did many interesting experiments like planting seeds, dying white roses, discovering the reason why eggs float, coloring a mural using leafs from the playground…
- Art & Craft: we made all kinds of crafts – pirate ships, parrots, treasure chests and maps, eyepatches, glitter butterflies… And we took everything home!
- Cinema Time: we watched pirates’ cartoons at school! We got to know Jake and his pirate friends from Neverland.
- Water Games: we got ready to play with water, and we used water balloons and guns to play! We got really soaked while playing with the hose!!
What’s more… We went to two field trips – in the first one we learned about pottery and made a flower, and afterwards we painted it at school, and in the second one we discovered the medieval circus! But we had a surprise visit at school, too! We had the opportunity to get our hands on exotic animals! We got to know a funny iguana, a 50-years old tortoise and many of their friends!
Take a quick look! Ahoy, all aboard!!!
Hola a tothom!!!
Durant el casal d’estiu 2016 ens ho hem passat d’allò més bé! El centre d’interès d’aquest any ha estat “l’aventura pirata”, hem fet moltes activitats divertides i hem après molt anglès! Aquests són tots els tallers que hem fet:
- Music Art Club: hem creat instruments com ara un xylophone, maracas... I hem ballat com autèntics pirates!
- Let’s Get Fit: hem fet tota mena d’esports: football, basketball, tennis... També hem fet una gymkhana per grups (Water, Fire, Wind i Earth) i hem guanyat molts punts! La casa guanyadora ha estat Water!!
- Theater: hem après mímica i hem treballat les emocions mitjançant jocs. També hem fet màscares i ens hem pintat la cara!
- Fun Recipes: hem preparat receptes pirates divertides i les hem tastat totes! Fruita, pa, galetes, xocolata... Ens hem convertit en chefs i ens ho hem menjat tot!
- Scientists: hem fet molts experiments interessants com ara plantar llavors, tenyir roses blanques, descobrir perquè floten els ous, pintar murals amb fulles del pati...
- Art & Craft: hem fet manualitats de tot tipus! Pirate ships, parrots, treasure chests, treasure maps, eyepatches, glitter butterflies... I ens ho hem endut tot a casa!
- Cinema Time: hem mirat dibuixos de pirates a l’escola!! Hem conegut el Jake i els seus amics pirates de Neverland.
- Water Games: ens hem preparat per jugar amb l’aigua, hem fet servir globus i pistoles, i ens hem posat xops amb la mànega!!
Però a més a més, hem anat a dues excursions: a una vam aprendre a fer una flor de ceràmica que després vam pintar amb aquarel·la a l’escola, i a l’altra vam descobrir el circ medieval! Però també vam tenir una visita sorpresa al casal d’un toca-toca d’animals exòtics!! Vam conèixer una iguana molt divertida, una tortuga de 50 anys i molts amics seus!
Feu-hi una ullada! Ahoy, all aboard!!!